Coffee Through the Ages [Infographic]


Younger coffee drinkers are changing the market – from specialty brews to coffee shop culture. To stay competitive, companies will need to keep up with their customers.

The NCA Generational Report: Coffee Through the Ages takes a look at key consumption preferences and patterns, highlighting emerging trends and opportunities.

(And, to reflect the reality of how we’re drinking coffee today, this is the first NCA report to release teenage coffee consumption data.)

Here’s a quick look at some of the highlights from the research:

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Coffee-To-Go By Country [Infographic]


Coffee on-the-go is on the rise. In the U.S. alone, it accounts for 45% of total coffee consumption (second only to Japan, a nation once dominated by tea).

Younger coffee drinkers with increasingly mobile lifestyles are are fueling this trend: About one-third of daily coffee drinkers from 13-24 years old get their java exclusively out-of-home, according to the NCA Generational Report 2017.

However, the popularity of coffee-to-go can vary wildly by country. As the specialty coffee movement gains international momentum, more countries are drinking coffee away from home.

But the practice isn’t popular everywhere — yet.

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Infographic: The Millennial Coffee Market Is Lit

* [Ed. note: Millennial translation gifs available here]


Millennials are really into their coffee. (It’s no coincidence that BuzzFeed recently launched their own roast … sold through a personality quiz.)

But not all cups are created equal.

Just like the cloud, “coffee” often means something different for the 19-35 year old demographic than it does for previous generations. In fact, Millennial behavior and attitudes are transforming the coffee market. (For starters, they really love espresso.)

But what do these changing consumption trends mean for the future of the coffee industry?

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